Get to know us

Live Out Loud Live with Jaime, Laura, and Vicki is a weekly live stream hosted by a trio of friends who are passionate about creating a supportive community. Join us and our network of friends as we explore diverse topics, share personal experiences, and foster a sense of belonging for all, all from our virtual "girls night out" table.

Living Out Loud Logo
Living Out Loud Logo

Our mission

To change the world for the better and have a good time while we are doing it. Jaime, Laura, and Vicki are "those" kind of friends. You know. You invite them to the party for just the right amount of fun, good conversation, and a little touch of scandal. All of them are active in the LGBTQIA+ community trying to increase the love, lower the hate, and open the eyes of those who would see.

Our vision

Striving for a world with more tolerance, and acceptance. Jaime, Laura, and Vicki believe they, and their friends, can make things better with a combination of friendship, female determination, sharing their stories, and helping others share their stories as well.

LOL with Laura podcast logo
LOL with Laura podcast logo

Laura's Bio (written by Vicki)

So what can I say about one of my bff's and a truly amazing woman?

Laura has been married to her husband Jon for 29 years, and seeing the two of them together you can see the sparks fly between them still. She raised two daughters. Well that's kind of true. She raised a child who became her transgender daughter at age 18, turning the beliefs of this conservative leaning, Florida native nurse, into a super LGBTQIA+ ally (complete with free mom hugs clothing, she's still waiting for her golden lasso to arrive).

If there is a community event in Central Florida chances are she's there spreading love especially to those who have been rejected because of their gender or sexuality.

She is the host of her own successful weekly podcast - Living Out with Laura (available on many of the podcast platforms), and is a social media diva.

Fiery, Feisty, Fun loving and Forever in motion (both her brain, and her body) You will want to tune into the show every week just to see what happens next.

Vicki's Bio

Victoria (Vicki) is an out and proud Transgender Woman. Subject of Laura's Living Out Loud podcast #12, Laura was one of the first to recognize and name her for what she is: A fierce, trans, lesbian. She is truly in love with her wife of 15 years, and has two amazing sons who are gown and starting lives of their own.

She is a self-proclaimed Feminist, and is dedicated to social justice, equality, and making this tiny rock we live on a better place for all of us.

She was fiscally conservative until the state she adopted and loved, and the party she thought was for smaller government, turned fascist and started attacking peoples reproductive rights, critical race theory, and LGBTQIA+ civil rights.

A few months into her medical transition, which she thought would be a private and quiet life change, she realized she needed to add her voice to the fight. She believes the world will be changed with love and light, and this live show is a platform for change fueled by truth, and sprinkled with fun and laughter.

She is the live show producer, and loves the Central Florida lifestyle i.e. theme parks, outdoor living, and the incredible Halloween season each year.

We're Here TV Poster with Jaime
We're Here TV Poster with Jaime

Jaime's Bio (written by Vicki)

Jaime is simply amazing and I would leave her bio there, but she is so much more to the LGBTQIA+ community as an activist icon.

Her daughter Dempsey came out as transgender at an early age and she took up the fight to get her child the safe care she needed. Her family's story was featured on the two part season 3 finale of HBO and Max's landmark show "We're Here" which won the 2023 GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Reality Series. Her family also received the 2022 Voice of Equality Award by Equality Florida for their tireless advocacy work. They recently celebrated Pride Month with President Biden.

A Central Florida school history teacher, she has a wealth of knowledge on the subjects we discuss each week, a snark that matches our snark, and a casual style that will instantly make her feel like someone you have known for years.

But don't confuse her laidback style for an ounce of weakness, she won't stop the fight until the world is a better place for everyone!